It is in


main body
He stopped at the mouth of the cave and looked up at the inscription on the mouth of the cave ―― Heaven is guiding us!
"We should not meet for the second time!" A steady and kind voice came out of the hole.
He looked down at the cave, and it was not deep. From the mouth of the cave to the deepest part of the cave, the wall of the cave was also a mile away. Everything was at a glance, but there was nothing but a kind and charitable old monk sitting on the cave stone bed.
He looked calm. "Oh? So how many times did the master think we met? "
"You are the second person I have ever seen in my life," said the old monk, coming from the stone bed.
His face is still calm. "So the master is waiting for me?"
"Yes or no" The old monk smiled.
He said faintly, "Since the master knew I would come, he should know that the purpose of my visit is so good. Please ask the master to do it."
The old monk walked out of the cave and looked at him and said, "Although your talent is not good, your spirituality is rare in the world. Why can’t you let it go after such a long time?"
He looked at the old monk and said, "If the master is a master, how can he know that I am suffering?"
The old monk still didn’t give up and asked, "Do you really want to take her away?"
He turned around and looked at the sea of clouds outside the cliff not far behind him. "Because it belongs to me."
When the old monk saw that he couldn’t say anything, he sighed, "I’m afraid you will go your own way and finally know that the result is not what you want."
He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then said, "Since the master doesn’t want to, I have sinned. I must take her away today." Then a layer of light silver brilliance appeared on his body surface.
The old monk looked at his true qi overflowing and prepared to begin to shake his head. "Although you are both metaphysical Taoism, you are not my opponent yet, so please think twice."
He slowly turned around and said, "Love is eternal!"
The old monk frowned at first, then smiled and sighed, "What a love song!"
He said faintly, "Master, I haven’t said much. I’ve heard for a long time that the master’s reincarnation has entered the realm. Let me see it!"
The old monk saw that the silver brilliance on his body surface flourished again and again. It seems that this battle is inevitable today. He read the Buddhist name "Amitabha Buddha" with his hands together. In that case, I will see how much my two old friends have learned. After that, a layer of golden Buddha light appeared on his body surface.
One gold, one silver, two lights, two people’s physical foundation rushed to the sky …
First, the legacy
Huge thunder resounded through the whole world as if Thor were furious!
"I won’t marry him."
"No, this marriage is because I was married to Linglan, the master of Linglan, and you must not promise."
"I never promised to marry him. I couldn’t make a decision at that time. Everything was your promise to marry you."
Another explosion of thunder
"unbridled! I’m your father. Since I gave birth to you, you have to listen to me. "
"I can’t marry him because … I already have that man’s flesh and blood."
The rain outside the door finally fell, accompanied by thunder and night, which was frightening.
"What? That man again! You should have with him … "
"But I already have his children. In this life, I won’t love another man except him. I won’t and can’t marry Linglan City."
"Then don’t let this evil karma be born. That child can never be with us."
"No, I won’t let you hurt my child, even if you are my father, or I will make you regret doing so."
"You … Linglan City’s appearance is extraordinary, and he is a young master of Linglan family and loves your heart. You will definitely become a mistress of Linglan in the future when you marry him. Isn’t that better than you following that person? I’m thinking about you. Why can’t you figure it out? "
"I think? I don’t think I should be forced to marry someone I don’t like. I think you want to use the strength and status of Linglan family to promote yourself. "
"Shut up, the baby can’t be born. You must marry Linglan City."
"Dad, if you must force me, then I will die, but he said he would come to me in a year’s time. If he can’t find me, then the Song family’s destruction day will come!"
"Are you threatening me?"
"No, you have faced him. You should know more about his depth than I do. He has the strength."
"Do you know that you will harm the whole Song family? Don’t forget that you are bleeding from the Song family."

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一、职位要求 1. 年龄:20-45岁,男女不限; 2. 学历:无学历要求,有相关经验者优先; 3. 专业技能:掌握推拿、按摩、刮痧、拔罐等手法,了解中医养生知识; 4. 沟通能力:善于与顾客沟通,了解顾客需求,提供优质服务; 5.…