She said, just want to turn away.


"Where to?"
Small male ye hurriedly took her hand.
"Do you want to take a tour of the brigade? It’s getting late if I don’t bother you to rest."
Chu said airily, so General Zhao preemptively hugged her. How could he let people go?
"Buddhist adults how still talking about nonsense? Don’t you know General Feng! How can I sleep if a beauty is pregnant? "
Zhao wrong reason not straight gas also strong said
"You …"
Master Chu is angry and happy.
"What can you tell such a shameful thing for granted?"
"It’s cold in the north, don’t we hug each other for warmth?"
"It’s summer!"
Xiao Biezhi stared at him with clear and beautiful eyes.
"Don’t worry about this little detail. I’ll sleep with you."
Small male ye once again put her arms around Chu don’t branch with Diane eyebrow not out.
He fell into the spacious seat with the great beauty in his arms.
Good smell
"Didn’t you say sleep?"
"Yeah, isn’t that how you sleep?"
"You! Motherfucker is going back … "
Carriage, a team of 5,000 troops escorted all the way north.
First, they arrived in North Zhili, and Zhao Cuo took over again. The 200,000 South Army was planned to take this army to Gubei Prefecture.
I’m afraid the northern army with 500,000 guards and this 200,000 Confederate army can really gather together a well-known 500,000 troops.
However, at this time, he received an urgent report from the front.
In the confederate camp
Zhao Cuo is returning to his account and preparing to write a letter to the beauty in Beijing.
Just then Wu Chonghang urgent voice from outside the account, he even said
"A soldier came with a letter from General Liu, the company commander of the Northern Army, saying that he wanted to give it to you personally."
Small male ye heart suddenly hitched a he didn’t dare to delay to pick up the coat heavy said
"Please come in quickly!"
Nervous footsteps approach from outside the account
See a long-haired pawn coming quickly.
When he saw General Zhao, he boldly looked at it for a few times before kneeling down and taking out a letter.
"Little visit general! Yesterday, the demon clan knocked heavily on the Hengqu Mountain in Anyuan, and our army struggled to stop the enemy. This is the letter of General Manager Liu. "
"Well, you’re tired from the dust all the way. Go and rest."
Prince Zhao took the letter and helped the foot soldiers up.
"General Wu, please arrange someone to take him to rest and don’t be exhausted."
Of course, he can see that this man is traveling day and night.
"General Xie!"
Letter pawn suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.
Zhao fault has torn the envelope out of the letter paper and looked at it carefully.
However, after a few breaths, his face became gloomy and he unconsciously pinched the paper out of the throne.
"Damn demon race …"
He narrowed his eyes and read aloud a way.
"If the general fought in the front line but the northern army lost?"
Wu Chonghang saw him look so dignified.
"General Liu Yi is still a soldier"
Prince Zhao spat out a sigh.
"The demon court seized two passes in Beifu, burned and looted and swept through several border towns. When General Liu gathered troops to fight back, he drove them back."
"These demon pretty! Going to the old age is to disturb the border people one after another. "
"You can’t always be passively beaten …"
Zhao sat in the account with a wrong eye and dew.
Demons are brave and cruel. They know that it is not advisable to seize the city and keep it. Once they are broken, they will continue to rob and leave.
Can’t we let this situation go? Otherwise, the Great Danger Army will be exhausted until it is defeated, and finally it will lose ground.

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