medication for the eye


After all, the ancient Chinese dialect has almost always been the suzerain country of Korea, and now it is even more difficult to be a behemoth.
It’s impossible without a little jealousy.
The problem is that Yang Guang is not Koryo, but the warrior of China!
However, Yang Guang did not speak immediately, but looked hesitant, and the blazing angel still struck while the iron was hot, because his plot was not a one-off gain or loss.
He wants to kill not people, but people’s hearts.
With this world, human belief makes them stronger.
"Let’s just say that this side of the world is our angel after all, and it will still be your human beings after all, but if China keeps talking, your country of Korea will grow stronger forever."
So the blazing angel made a deal.
If we can make this Koryo Wuzong listen by force, he will definitely do it.
But now in the face of the whole human budo world is still not sure.
Then you have to be gradual, unless there is an angel army.
Then leave it alone.
"Well, listen to what you mean. Maybe this world can be ruled by Korea? King of the world? Human king? " I don’t know why Yang Guang suddenly thought of a funny joke.
The world is human, but the universe is Korea.
And the universe is much bigger than the so-called world.
The blazing angel was a little surprised at Yang Guang’s way, but still very happy. "You can understand this. After all, we can’t stay in this place all the time, and you humans will still be in charge."
What they want is not the adult king, but a large number of believers to limit their faith.
And that great merit of heaven and earth.
For many human beings, it is a mysterious thing, but it is true. At present, they really don’t intend to rule the world of fighters forever, and they know that they can’t do it.
But if you can enslave these human beings spiritually, you will make a lot of money.
Just like a colony, the aborigines govern other aborigines, and then the colonists enslave the highest-ranking aborigines.
Yang guang shook his head and pretended to be hesitant. He really wanted to set more words. If he knew this angel, there would be no need for him to live.
Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know.
Yang Guangke, it would be best if he could stop the war by force.
Once the war ends, Yang Guang doesn’t worry about his own safety, but he, human fighters and several ordinary people will suffer.
This is even more horrible than the so-called hot weapons war.
"We Korean people are not as stupid as you think, so how can we say that they do these stupid things? You know, once we’re on the same side with you, it’s against China and we’ve cut ourselves off. "
It is normal for Yang Guang to say this if Koryo Wu Zong thinks.
Angels can help Korea against China, that’s the best, but if one day angels threaten Korea and say they want to leave, won’t Korea fight against China?
Who can stand it?
Maybe China will send a warrior level to come over, and it will be easy to kill all the martial arts in Korea, and kill many military commanders and other advanced combat effectiveness, and maybe it will collapse.
No country has the ability to confront China head-on. If it were not China, the invasion of angels and blood clan would not be so troublesome.
"You Korea should know the situation of Sam, right? And that powerful country of Sam has become a partner of our angel family. even if you want to refuse, what can you take to refuse our kindness? "
This is a threat from Guoguo Hong.
But give a stick to a jujube
The blazing angel continued, "Let’s put it this way. If you Koryo are willing to talk to our angels, I guarantee that all of your martial arts schools will become martial arts saints. You humans are martial arts saints, right?"
Whether it is angels or human fighters, it is hard to resist the temptation of realm promotion, just like many, many archangels want to be blazing angels.
Not only does it become powerful, but it also has a higher status and lives longer.

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