Vientiane Sen Luo gathered Jordan’s seven blue balls, and a wave of them flocked to the immortal silver ship and attacked Sun Hao, the flying immortal silver ship.


The sky is like a trembling sky, and the strength of the allied forces of the hundred nationalities is slightly poor. The flying ship has to be far away, otherwise the aftermath of the war will be enough.
The three-headed and six-armed avatar method blocked three epic-level celestial ships and three combined powers.
Sun Haoti drove the immortal silver ship to the Eternal Tree, and met Jordan and Eternal Tree head-on, and Eternal Tree broke out in Vientiane, and Eternal Tree and three tree terrans combined to be ready for battle.
Among the three tree-terran combined powers, the ancient monk who finally appeared should be a forced advanced combined semiconductor monk.
The immortal silver ship circled at a very fast speed and crossed a beautiful arc, like a thin slice. The Vientiane attack will fly to its own scenery and the taxiing beasts will be chopped down one by one and still rush to the eternal tree without slowing down.
Qiao Dan’s seven blue balls automatically track and chase Sun Hao, spinning and dragging his long tail to chase after Sun Hao.
Once again, the avatar method with three heads and six arms roars, brandishing a bucket stick and an ancient fierce sword, spewing samadhi’s true fire, and becoming inextricably linked with Brother Morgan, the protoss.
The immortal silver ship charged at the Eternal Tree with a blue ball of light behind it.
Musheng and Shuisheng, two real tree terrans, fit together. They are furious with Sun Hao, Sun Chenxiang, who came straight to them boldly. This guy dares to directly provoke the most powerful tree terran army in the hundred-nation Coalition.
The two men looked at each other and shouted, "Sun Hao really doesn’t know how to live or die. Today, I’ll show you the eternal level of destiny. It’s not that you can break the immortal level and compete with the eternal sanctuary."
A faint cyan light blooms around the eternal tree, forming a huge cyan mask, which reflects the whole surrounding into a vast cyan.
The immortal silver ship plunges into the eternal sanctuary like a fish.
Jordan’s attack broke out and then he rushed in.
However, seven blue balls of light rushed in angrily and suddenly slowed down, as if mortals were stuck in a quagmire and could not move forward.
The speed in front of the immortal silver ship also dropped sharply.
Jordan slightly one leng mouth lang said, "what an eternal holy area MuSheng Taoist friend, you take the holy area to trap him, let’s destroy his avatar method first …"
Sun Hao, when Nanyang sailed the agarwood to explore the sea, different top-class ships would have different combat skills. I remember that at that time, Sun Hao developed moves such as spinning and flying, which shocked the whole Nanyang.
Now that I think about it, those special combat skills in Southeast Asia in the past are completely worthless. Sun Hao casually throws a spell that can surpass the attack effect for many times.
However, the flying ship battle machine developed by the wisdom of the ten thousand families in China naturally has special combat skills
The strength of flying ships with different grades varies greatly.
At this level, the difference in the strength of flying ships is mainly reflected in the difference in the fighting skills of different flying ships.
Strong fortune, the warship’s fighting skills are also strong and weak, belonging to gender.
Epic-level air transport ships generally have at least three kinds of special combat skills with various attributes, including acceleration, special spells and increased defensive armor.
The most special combat capability of a flying rainbow ship is its speed. It is extremely dexterous when fighting, and it can also erupt into colorful mysterious light attack tactics.
In this way, most of the combat skills are focused on individual development, which monks call fighting and breaking.
A few powerful epic ships or immortal eternal ships with weak strength will have composite flying ship skills, such as archangel sword
In this way, the combat skill can visualize various special combat forms, or a sword can also be a knife, which may or may not be a piece of music.
In this way, the offensive and defensive ability of the "mimicry" tactics is stronger than that of the fighting.
Usually, mimicry can appear, and flying ships are already quite powerful enough to resist a powerful fit.
However, mimicry is still not the strongest flying ship combat skill.
The powerful eternal flying ship or immortal flying ship in ancient books and records is also a special combat skill "domain", a rule involving the main road, which forms a strange "domain field" to dominate the domain field battle.
The Eternal Tree now displays the "Eternal Sanctuary", which is the case.
Chapter DiErYi quasi broken domain
Behind the slow speed of the immortal silver ship, Jordan attacked, and the ball of light lost its tracking ability and could not run, which were all signs affected by the field.
The field is equivalent to a special battle, which is influenced by the eternal celestial ship and controlled by the eternal celestial ship.
Sun Hao suddenly felt the great difference around him when he broke into it.
Feel a little bit about Sun Haofa’s fortune, the eternal sky ship field is slightly different from his own wind localization, and it is also completely different from his own Sumeru tower.
In this field, I can feel and command the avatar method outside the moving field, but it seems that I have been greatly suppressed in this field, as if my actions are not very flexible
When Jordan saw that Sun Hao was settled by the eternal tree field, his heart shouted with joy that he should destroy Sun Hao’s avatar method first and then take Sun Hao under the control of the field.
Fang Guanzhan Terran Friar Qi Qi’s heart was shocked and horrified, and I don’t know if Chen Xiang’s adult can get rid of this green light area.
Zheng Yuanxin also sank with a jerk, but he didn’t drive the destiny flying rainbow ship to attack rashly. Even the immortal silver ship couldn’t move. Once the destiny flying rainbow ship rushed in, the result might be even more miserable.
Musheng laughed in his mouth. "Well, look at my tree terran with this little rabbit cub."
In the speech, the Eternal Tree emitted a large number of rattan trees, and the power was no longer doomed, and the silver ship was wrapped around it.
Dense and thick branches rushed out from the eternal tree and wound around the immortal silver ship, which was to completely trap the immortal silver ship.
From a distance, the branches are like thick python, which looks horrible and ferocious.
I don’t know if Lord agarwood can stop it

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