"Stop all actions these days and wait for a calm before you act."


"Good Miss Yan"
Yan Mumu slammed her face, her face was ferocious, her eyes were full of blood, and she didn’t believe that the woman who was in love with Su could escape.
Due to a forehead injury, Sue didn’t go out for a day the next weekend. It’s rare that Lu Yichen didn’t go out either, and all the work was done in her room.
It’s past five o’clock when I watched. Sue bit her lip and walked slowly to the door.
Look at a man who works hard, but he doesn’t know what to say
"What’s up?" The man is still busy without raising his hand.
Is this man clairvoyant or clairaudient?
Sue went to the table and looked across the table at the man opposite. "Well, my dad called yesterday and asked us to go home for dinner tonight. If you are busy, you won’t go."
Lu Yichen looked up and saw the woman smiling awkwardly and asked, "Do you want me to go?"
"Uh …" Are you going or not? Sue didn’t know what he meant. After thinking about it, she said, "I guess my dad asked us to have dinner mainly because he wanted to ask me to give you that planning case."
"Well, not stupid."
Sue glared at the man and continued, "If you want to go, we’ll go. If you don’t want to go, I’ll give him a message to plan the case. I’ll still say that if you feel right, you can get along with Su’s family and don’t have any concerns because of me."
The man couldn’t help laughing. "How can you be confident that I will meet Su’s in your face?" I went home with her for dinner, and Lu Kang kept pulling him to talk about investment. It seems that his appetite is bigger than he thought.
Sue looked cold at night. "Are you going or not?"
"Of course, if I go, my father-in-law will let me go to dinner. How dare I not?" After that, Lu Yichen cleared up the desk files and took a look at Sue’s feelings. "Don’t change clothes?"
"Oh …" Sue late love or some have no reaction to come over when this Liu Yichen so accommodating.
It’s almost six o’clock when they get dressed and go out.
Today, Lu Yichen didn’t have a car, but arranged a driver. Seeing that the driver was young, he was in his thirties, and his pace was very vigorous.
Sue’s eyes darkened at night. This man glanced at Liu Yichen’s eyes at home. Did he arrange someone to protect her?
But she is so fragile.
The car drove all the way to Sue’s villa, and neither of them spoke.
The car has just entered the gate. Su Kang and Tang Sumei are looking forward to it at the door, and Su Lan is still there.
Sue looked at the outsiders through the window and smiled sarcastically. Of course she wouldn’t be naive. They were welcoming her home.
It seems that people with status in Su Kang and Tang Su’s eyebrows will make them so respectful.
Sure enough, the car just stopped and Su Kang strode for Liu Yichen’s door.
Liu Yichen looked cool. The car didn’t go, but turned around and bent down to reach out to Sue.
Sue night love sip lip will hand in his hand and skirt the car.
Tang Sumei’s eyes shot at Sue’s late love like poison. This woman was not only killed by Liu Yichen, but also cared for by Liu Yichen. It was really beyond her expectation.
Sue’s love car almost crashed. What kind of car is it?
The top ten babies get 2 coins. Oh, it’s valid until 24: 00 p.m.
Finally, the lotus will drink and collect beautiful girls. If the text is still in your eyes, remember to point out the collection.
"Warm Heart Baby" by Shutong
Belly black male god overbearing pet ~
This is a very warm and pet story.
Smeachen has a baby more important than his life in this life.
He was poisoned by a poison called Shi Qing, and he was terminally ill.
However, the person who poisoned him has been out of the game, and he is the only one struggling in the game.
Oh! How can this be? If you want to fall, then two people together!
Shi Qing grew up with her since childhood. Si Mochen would be her brother, but she didn’t know that her "good brother" had already stared at her.
Later, she learned that if the wolf marked its prey, it would never let it escape!
Absolutely warm pet!
☆ 7. Today’s food is not to your liking.
People’s life is not the pursuit of perfection, but the impossibility of perfection again and again.
Tang Sumei’s eyes shot at Sue’s late love like poison. This woman was not only killed by Liu Yichen, but also cared for by Liu Yichen. It was really beyond her expectation.
Sue put her little hand on Liu Yichen’s palm and saw Tang Sumei looking at herself viciously after the car was set.
Tang Sumei was busy putting away her emotions, her face twisted and her expression was colorful, and she smiled and said, "Welcome home at night, and always come and go after General Manager Lu."
"Thank you, Aunt Mei." It’s a pity that Sue put her arm in Liu Yichen’s arm and smiled and said to Tang Sumei not to act.

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