Ape essence eyes flashed a panic.


But years of experience told him that the old man in front of him was evil and violent, with high wisdom but low intelligence. More importantly, he had never seen the world and was bold.
Together, these characteristics are what we need, and the opportunity for excellent candidates is rare and must not be missed.
I don’t know if the other two will be any worse, which makes the ape essence darker.
In an instant, the ape essence got accurate judgment and has ordered a set of best laid plans.
You misunderstood. I never saw you before I swore in the name of Rio’s demon god.
Ape spirit panic dark Yu solemnly explain crossing trouble demon god.
Well, then you know that we just entered the city
Yang day didn’t put ape essence is still a face of not letter cold hum a way.
Brother, I saw three dusty people walking all the way, looking in all directions and looking curious, and then I judged that three people had just entered the city.
Ape carefully in the old Gou three people low wisdom but dare not show the slightest with a wry smile explained.
Oh really
Yang day or track is one track-minded.
Never dare to say half a word in the name of the younger brother demon god
The ape spirit just knelt down and rushed to swear again.
Wait, I always believe it. Can you stop bothering the demon god? His old man’s house will get tired of it.
Yang day suddenly interrupted ape essence a face of discontent blame way
Hey, yes, yes, brother Gou taught me that I really shouldn’t bother the demon god.
Ape carefully in a loose face apologetically, but want to cry, trouble demon god, don’t you this old Gou drove?
For a moment, the ape spirit panicked again because the old monkey tortured himself for a long time and left without saying a word before entering the question.
Hey, brother Gou, stay.
Ape essence dark scold hurriedly chase shouted before.
What’s the matter again
Yang day suddenly look back and bold way
Brother Gou, you should be careful.
Ape essence swallowed saliva about an h novel secretive way
Be careful. Be careful of what?
Yang day eyes warning color passed so puzzling way
Brother Gou is new here. I don’t know that this day, the imperial city is mixed with dragons and snakes. It is extremely dangerous for people like Brother Gou, who are tough and unfamiliar, to walk around at will. My younger brother is Brother Gou, who woke up with kindness at first sight.
Ape essence a face of caution to Yang day ear very solemnly said afraid to say is not serious enough.
Oh, brother Tuo, what danger will it be? Tell me the truth.
Yang Tianran asked with a face of shock that even his attitude suddenly changed.
It’s Brother Tuoliduo. It’s inconvenient to talk here. Why don’t we find a secluded place and talk about it in detail?
Ape essence has sold a full face of mystery and caution.
Where are you going?
Yang day didn’t say to also didn’t say not to is at a loss.
Hey, I have a lot of contacts here, and I’m also very familiar with the restaurant in front of me. It’s not up to my younger brother to treat me. Let’s have a good drink first. Brother Zhen and others got a dinner. Second, I made amends for my previous recklessness. Third, I can talk about the situation here.
Ape essence suddenly fuels a smile extremely enthusiastic invited way
How good is this?

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